
Start your weekend right

Saturday morning sessions focusing on a variety of fitness and wellbeing methods.


Workshops are slightly longer sessions than classes during the week, typically run 10:00-11:30am at Oakington Pavilion. See Schedules and Venues for venue details.

Register your interest for a workshop (or suggest one you would like!) at

Pilates bootcamp

Not as scary as it sounds! A combination of Pilates exercises mixed with bigger movements (pulse raisers).

After introducing all the exercises, we alternate Pilates movements with more aerobic movements. At the end we take the time for a good stretch.

You can still adapt the movements to your own needs and work at your own level. You will get a good workout!

Run every 1st and 3rd Saturday of the month. 10:00-11:30am at Oakington Pavilion. £10 per session.

2018 Pilates bootcamp schedule

13 and 27 January07 and 21 July
03 and 17 February04 and 18 August
03 and 17 March01 and 15 September
07 and 21 April06 and 20 October
05 and 26 May03 and 17 November
16 June01 December

Check the Schedule & Venues page and my update emails for changes to this schedule.

Yin Yoga Intense

A longer Yin Yoga session, with time to explore more positions and experience the benefits on an even
deeper level. Let go of all your stress and start your weekend revitalised.

90-minutes session, 10:00-11:30 in Oakington Pavilion. £10 per session.

2018 Yin Yoga Intense schedule

06 January14 July
10 February11 August
10 March08 September
14 April13 October
12 May10 November
23 June08 December

Check the Schedule & Venues page and my update emails for changes to this schedule.

Yin Yoga Plus

A three-hour Yin Yoga session, which includes:

  • Warm-up using the foam-roller
  • Yin Yoga session
  • Explore something new
  • Yoga Nidra relaxation

10:00-13:00 at Oakington Pavilion. £25 per session, including coffee, tea and a snack.

2018 dates to be confirmed

Colour Analysis ``ColorMode`` by Mi-Time

Colour Analysis adds to the style and self-expression of an individual. The correct use of colour, make-up, clothes and design has a positive influence on people. The self-image is improved, and the individual feels better, more balanced and makes a positive impression.  The aim of a colour analysis is not to create a picture perfect result. The aim is to bring out the BEST YOU. It does not paste a layer around somebody, but uses the best aspects. It discovers the beauty in everyone.

Free from the dictation of fashion, the individual can make a personal choice to reflect their characteristics. How we look is seen on the outside, but colour and style are more than this. They reflect our inside and express how we feel about ourselves.

It works the other way around too. If we present ourselves, knowing that we look at our best, we feel an increase in self-worth and confidence. This improves the way we are perceived by others. This further enhances our self-esteem and our feeling of wellbeing.

A bit of history on colour harmony: the discoverer of the relationship between colour harmony and the appearance of people is Johannes Itten. Johannes Itten was involved in the Bauhaus movement of the twenties. His work has been further developed and adapted during many decades and in many countries. ColorMode in the Netherlands then developed it into its system with its ComCards. The ColorMode system distinguishes between 78 colour types.

During a colour analysis session, the system makes use of colour maps that are draped on the client. The client is sitting in front of a mirror, and can see the results as they are being analysed. Seeing the transformation appear in the mirror can boost confidence instantly.

An individual session typically takes around 30 min, a group session of 4 clients will last around 90 min.

Contact for more information.

Fitness Classes



Stretch, tone and connect your mind, body and spirit. Gain body awareness and control.

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a slow form of Yoga with gentle postures that are held for longer periods of time.



Effective gentle movements that feel good for people of all ages and all health conditions.

Stand to Strength
fitness-and-wellbeing stand-to-strength

Stand to Strength

Stand to Strength is for those who do not want to do a floor-based class, but want the same benefits.



Saturday morning workshops with a choice of Pilates, Yin Yoga or Colour Analysis.